car Diagnostic service
Rideshare vehicle inspection
Fast, cheap and extra driver-friendly
We provide a 19-point vehicle inspection that is used by rideshare companies
Vehicle inspection is a procedure used to verify that your car meets all functional, safety, and cosmetic guidelines set forth by the rideshare company.
Before you get on the road, your car needs to pass the vehicle inspection to prove it can meet the company’s standards.
Rideshare companies are serious about the safety of its drivers and passengers, and that concern starts with the vehicle inspection.
Our goal is to enhance the onboarding experience of rideshare drivers by leveraging technology to provide the most convenient and pleasant vehicle inspection experience.
Club members have special conditions:
– hot-price from $25
– online inspections via video chat
If you have any questions, feel free to call us or get free appoitment.
great team
Our team of great mechanics and tow truck operators have a combined 20+ years of hands on experience.
amazing results
Every time you put your car in our hands you know you’ll get nothing short of amazing results back.
Competative Pricing
We won’t charge you an arm and a leg to get you back up and running – our rates are very reasonable,
Before the emergence of car diagnostic tests, identifying problems was time-consuming and expensive, especially considering car owners only brought their cars to mechanics after a breakdown or other severe malfunction. Now, computerized car components can detect problems long before they cause a breakdown.
Diagnostic tools can also check a car’s computer system for manufacturer notifications and stored information about the car’s history, giving technicians a complete picture in order to perform the best repair possible.
Diagnosing the Issue
At Macchina, in addition to expert diagnostic testing, we also offer a variety of services and repairs, including alignments, brakes, smog inspections, oil changes, complete engine repair, and more.
We’re so confident in the skill of our experienced technicians that we offer a 1-year or 12,000-mile nationwide warranty on our services. Give us a call or stop by and see us in downtown San Diego today.
best auto service
Based on customer reviews – 80+ reviews and counting.